Monday, October 08, 2007

The RAVELRY invite finally came!!

First I have to say:

I have only set up my profile; I can tell I will be spending some time in there.

Also, I wanted to thank everyone for the comments and encouragement. It really means alot to me that you all are checking into my blog.

Please, if you stop by, just leave a hello in my comments.

Happy Knitting and Spinning and pray for that cold front to come through Cincinnati before we all melt!


Beth said...

Let me know what your name is there - I'll friend you. :)

If you find me first, I'm pearlicue.

~Tonia~ said...

So what is your name on ravelry? I want to friend you as well.

It looks like cooler weather is on it's way. Yay.

BTW I am knittedtoat on ravelry