Thursday, June 21, 2007

Summer of Socks really begins June22

As usual....I missed the kick off. I'm not ready yet. I've been formulating my sock pattern in my head, but no swatching yet. I've been packing for vacation. I think I need to focus on sock knitting on Vacation.. I'm stopping on the Modified Ute socks to start my OFFICIALLY COUNTABLE socks. Maybe I will start on my pattern. Nah......too much thinking for vacation knitting.

Good luck all!!!

Must pick a pattern. Must pick a pattern!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Summer of Socks - Begins for me

Okay.....I know that I am supposed to wait until June 21 to start my socks.....But I couldn't wait. I finished all my sock projects and just could not wait for 2 weeks to start new socks. So.........I began my Ute socks (with a slight color modification). I'm really flying through them!!

ute socks

ute socks in progress

The Colors are quite different from the picture in Favorite Socks (Interweave), but I like them. This is the first real multi-color Fair Isle style project I've ever done. I am a tight knitter so I knew I needed to be really loose. I'm not doing too bad. They fit really nice.

Actually, This project gave me a great idea for a sock pattern that I am working out now for the Summer of Socks pattern contest. I'll keep you all up to date on the swatching. The pattern is color based. I'm not sure if color work is very appealing to sock knitters, because, I think, most of you are like me and very intimidated by multi-color knitting. But I'm going to incorporate color blending that Elizabeth Zimmerman discusses in Knitters Almanac - Difficult Sweater (not really). The swatches will tell if this pattern will ever be born.

I'd love to know if other sock knitters have done Fair Isle work. And If not, why not?

Friday, June 01, 2007

Baby Knitting Continues as my Computer Falls ill

Happy JUNE Everyone!!!!

Well, I've finally gotten my computer back on track after a nasty trojan. I hate viruses. Who does that. They should be hunted down and shot. ( sorry, just a bit graphic).

Anyway, in between completely restarting my computer from scratch, I was knitting baby items for some friends. I finished the EZ's Surplice Baby Jacket. Instructions in Spring/Summer 2007 Vogue Knitting. As with all EZ's work, a great pattern!. Here it is in traditional baby colors.
girls baby sweater

I found out one of my friends is having a girl. So this will be hers.

I've also finished the Baby Booties. I love the Teal ones. I will need to buy some girl color wool to make them again. They were just too easy and really sweet. Besides, these lace up so they are more likely to stay on the baby's little feet.
baby booties

Off to hunt down all the blogs I lost in my favorites.
Have a great weekend!!