Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Years Knitting & Spinning Resolutions

It takes me some time to think about what I want to focus on in the coming year. And generally I am not a News Years Resolutions kind of person. But I did take some stock in last year, and it made me realize some things I would like to do this year!
In 2011, I knit 6.6 miles of yarn. For me, that is quite an accomplishment. So I decided that I could easily try to knit 7 miles next year. It's a modest goal based on last year, but at least it's more!
My next goal in 2012 is I would like to track the yardage (grams/kilos/pounds/etc) of yarn that I spin. I did alot of spinning in 2011, but I cannot figure out how many yards; Some of it I did not label, some I did not log into ravelry, and some I knit into projects.

As for things I would like to knit this year. Well, with me that kind of goes with the wind. But in 2011, I explored knitting different kinds of projects. I did triangle lace shawls, mittens, colorwork hats, etc. I realized that for the most part, I like knitting sweaters and socks!!

I only knit 2 sweater and 1 vest this whole year. I have to say, I really missed having that "big" project on the needles. So I am trying to plan out a bunch of sweaters for 2012 and try to top my goal 5 sweaters in 2010. Even if I match it, I will be happy, because I will be knitting sweaters all year round.

As the compliment to knitting sweaters, I am planning to work on knitting down my modest stash of commercial spun and handspun sock yarn.

And in NO WAY am I going to go on a YARN DIET. My stash is actually quite slim, as I have been very mindful of purchasing yarn since my 2010 yarn diet. I am only buying stuff I really love and want to knit with and wear.

I think that covers my goals. I'll keep posting my progress. And I keep my projects up to date on Ravelry. Friend me, I'd love that!
Have a great 2012.

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