Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays

I wanted to be sure I wished everyone who reads my blog a Happy Holidays. I hope everyone has a wonderful time with the ones they love.

I've been spending time with my extended Family and many friends. I have been fortunate this year to meet new people via this Blog, Ravelry, and Knitting KAL's that I am very grateful for. I appreciate all the help, words of encouragement and support that everyone has shown me.

Have a save and Joyous Holiday season!!!

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Holiday Rush is On

Wow, it has been a long time since I posted. I am amazed at how quickly time is flying as we approach the Holidays. I have been very productive on my knitting until about a week ago. I finished the Candy Corn sweater. I've posted the pictures on Ravelry, But here is the one of me wearing it. It fits very nice.
Candy Corn Complete
I also finished 2 pair of fetching fingerless mitts for Christmas presents for some friends.
fetching clouds Fetchings

And 1 of the dresser scarves for my bedroom side tables. I found some variegated muted blues in Sugar-N-Cream cotton. It worked up very nice in the feather-n-fan Lace pattern.